Sunday, January 29, 2017

Strategic Design and Monitoring

In order to create a successful social media campaign, it is important that organizations follow the social principle. The social principle is about identifying topics of mutual interest with a brand’s audience in order to spark conversation that keeps both ends engaged. There are many steps to take when creating a social media campaign. The first thing to do is to create a mission and vision statement. These two will help keep the organization in line with the goals, and what they want to promote through their campaign. When coming up with a mission and vision statement and list of objectives, it is important to follow the “SMART objectives”. The acronym stands for: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. The SMART objectives will aid in keeping the organization on track.

In order to stay organized throughout the campaign, it is also a great idea to have a content calendar. This will include information such as the platforms you will use, the day and times of the posts, keywords or topic of the post, category of the content topic design, the media needed, and the team members responsible for the post. This will help hold the campaign together and execute new parts of the campaign on time. Having the content calendar also helps in making the campaign more detailed because everything that will be posted online is planned ahead of time. After posting content, it is important to look at how the audience responds to the material. Their response will help the organization know whether or not the content they are posting meets or exceeds the audiences standards or if they should make changes.

When developing policies and procedures for social media, organizations should aim to build relationships and trust while inspiring their key publics. Having a two-way mutually beneficial relationship with stakeholders is key to having a successful social media campaign. Organizations should also think about how they can engage their stakeholders with creativity. Organizations should select the proper platform to launch their campaign on while taking into account their target audience. Brands should also maintain their credibility through creating conversation, highlighting the brands personality, and by showcasing shared values. All of these things really contribute to how people perceive your organization. In the end, social media is all about creating relationships. The mannerism the organizations take to respond to their stakeholders is very important in building a sense of trust.

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